Meme instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your post; then delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a comment below with a link HERE to your post so we can all come by and check it out!
- What is your birthday and/or Zodiac sign? –July 31st, LEO BABY!!!
- Do you believe in or follow astrology? – Yes .. I believe in it to a point, I am not a freak of it or anything like some people are. I like looking into the stars and believing there could be a story there for us you know.
- Do you feel your sign’s attributes reflect who you are? – Its funny, but yes. I believe that I am Leo all the way. THIS SITE was put out to Plurkers before and its funny to read these and be like yup ... mhmm ... yes ... OMG ME ... Taken from the site that Berry had on her Meme THIS IS SO ME!! HERE
- Have you ever been to a psychic or astrologer either in RL or in SL (are there any in SL?) Uhmmm .. No ... Well ... does like a carnival count, you know the one that is totally fake and they tell you what you wanna hear to be funny. I dunno lol, but no I never been to a legit person before.
- Do you read your horoscope daily and try to follow any advice, recommendations or warnings it may have for you that day? No, I rather follow my fortune cookie! I dont really believe in horoscopes. I find them amusing but Honestly, no I would never really take one seriously.
- Do you have very strong feelings about astrology, either negative or positive? Minus the horoscope I feel strongly about my star sign, I am proud to be a leo, I find the attributes to be correct. I think they are reflected very well of who I am. I never really got interested into this kinda stuff till I was maybe 16 and we had a school project to define our selves and see if were actually like our zodiac signs and since then I always felt that I was very close if not right onto mine. SO yay my mom for having me when she did lol.
awwww, just missed your birthday! Happy belated. <3