Saturday, November 8, 2014

Post 486

Hi everyone.  so I am doing a Home and Garden post. This is a Sway's and *ionic* post.  First off another round of the The Challenge is happening and you can find some amazing items from Sway's.  This round is Mediterranean. Hence the pretty colors and shades.  You can find the bench and topiaries (plants) as part of that package.  With the bench you have many poses, as well as a copy of Sway's Adventures in Secondlife.  Along with a cup of tea!
The animals that you see in the pictures enjoying Sway's story are from the Chapter Four, which is the *ionic* items in the gacha area.  They are so freaking adorable and its addicting to play.  The smoke from the grandfathers pipe (raccoon) is real not added, when you place him out, it smokes.  Each piece is adorable and very well crafted.  The textures make it amazingly well to place out in your gardens like I have.  Everyone has a part to play ♥

*ionic* - The story of Raccoons & Bears (lakua Arriaga) The Chapter Four
Sway's [Alice] covered garden bench . mediterranean (Sway Dench) The Challenge
Sway's [Alice] topiary . mediterranean (Sway Dench) The Challenge

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