Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Post 484

I am so very excited! I am not always a fan of things where you have to work at getting something.  But that is the lazy me speaking. So it started on Flickr with the Rumpelstiltskin books I seen by Wimey.  I am a huge huge fan of the show Once Upon a Time.  What I have on my table in this picture is the Modern version of the tale Rumpelstiltskin.  Who is amazing in the show, you cant help but love him at the end.

So there is this event called Enchantment.  There are 20 stores total for this round, and you have to buy an item at the main store of any of the 20... just one item will do it.  Then you go to visit the other stores and collect the stamps (Totally free).  Then you hit the prize center where you can choose any item you want off the sales floor.   IF you find you like more than one "prize" item you have to purchase another item from one of the main stores.  And go around collecting the stamps.  As you can see it is work yes.  BUT soooo worth it.  I have a mix of items purchased and items you can win with a card.  I will distinguish them so you know what is what.  I will let you know now all items are very reasonable priced so its like buy one get one free if you ask me.

I am in love with all the items that can be found and if you are fan of the old version of the story or the new Once Upon a Time Version you will definitely love this even and find that collecting the stamps is well worth the work of the amazing items here.

Credits: **There are more prizes and purchases, these are the ones I loved the most**
Wimey: Woven Straw Tiara (Sash Arabello) Purchase
Wimey: Rumple's Tales (Sash Arabello) Prize
[LF] Elixir Necklace (louise.marsault) Purchase
O.M.E.N -  Rumples Golden Breakfast of Villainy (damascusvera) Purchase
O.M.E.N - Modern Day Rumples Morning Coffee (damascusvera)Prize
Eudora 3D The Spinner Boots Steampunk (Eudora3D) Purchase
Eudora 3D The Spinner Hat Steampunk (Eudora3D) Prize

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